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Read in Tebet: Unique & Most Homey Library in Jakarta

Read in Tebet: Unique & Most Homey Library in Jakarta

In general, most libraries are synonymous with a stiff and boring atmosphere. But did you know, Literacy Friends, it turns out there is a library with a very homey atmosphere, which makes you comfortable while reading books there. Yups, the library is called Baca Di Tebet.

This library was founded by Kanti W Janis together with Wien Muldian by providing a collection of around 20,000 reading books which will always be upgraded by the librarians. Most of the books in the collection available in this library are Wien’s personal possessions, Kanti’s, and some are donated by donors.

The library, which is located on Jalan Tebet Dalam Raya Number 29, Tebet, South Jakarta, is open on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Meanwhile, the opening hours are 10.00 WIB -18.00 WIB. Meanwhile, on Fridays and Saturdays it is only open from 12.30 WIB-20.30 WIB, but on Mondays and national holidays, this library is closed or not operating.

Not only does it provide various types of reading books arranged on high shelves. The Reading Library in Tebet also provides several rooms that can be used by its users, starting from the Discussion Room and Meeting Room.

Meanwhile, the Roy BB Janis Meeting Room in the library is not only intended as a reading place. However, it can also be used as a place to discuss, play music and sing.

Then, for users who need peace, the Tebet Reading Library also provides two rooms that can be used, namely the Thinking Room and the Reading Room. Apart from that, there is also a Work Room, a cafe for eating in Tebet, and sleeping in Tebet. Very interesting, Literacy Friends!

How to Visit Baca in Tebet

Unlike libraries in general where every user can come at any time. Please note that if you want to visit Baca Di Tebet, prospective users must make a reservation in advance by registering to visit first.

The purpose of registration is so that the library is not overcrowded and makes other users uncomfortable. So, here are the ways to visit Baca Di Tebet:

  1. Register first via the website
  2. Next, select the ticket type, then click “Register”. There are daily, monthly, annual student tickets, and annual tickets for the general public.
  3. Then select the visit date and number of tickets.
  4. Then make payment
  5. Come according to schedule.

Order Food and Drinks

The Reading Library in Tebet is on the second floor of the building, providing wooden chairs and tables that are really comfortable, like being at home. Meanwhile, the other floor functions as a restaurant for Eat in Tebet.

This library allows its users to bring food and drinks, but can only eat in the Meeting Room. Meanwhile, in the Thinking Room, Reading Room and Work Room, only drinks are permitted.

So, before going up to the second floor, customers can first order food at Makan di Tebet, such as Mushroom Beef, Tuna Matah Bali Pasta, Cheese Burger, or Vegetarian Matah Bali Sate. There are also coffee and non-coffee menus sold starting from IDR 5,000-IDR 37,000, such as Cafe Latte, Americano, Milkshake and Chamomile Tea.

Not Allowed to Take Books Home

Literacy Friends need to know that only annual members are allowed to borrow books to take home. However, visitors who buy daily tickets or are monthly members are only allowed to read here, but cannot take it home.

This is done in case the person concerned does not return the book. This is because there are many books with high prices of up to millions of rupiah, so the monthly membership fee alone cannot cover the losses. 

Cannot Bring Small Children

Baca di Tebet is a library for individuals aged 12 years and over. So, small children are not allowed to enter. According to the owner, this regulation was made to prevent undesirable things.

The problem is, the owner of this library does not want Baca Di Tebet to become a child care center. Later the parents come here asking “has my child eaten or not?”, so the management doesn’t want something like that to happen.

However, in the near future, Wien as the owner plans to place a special shelf containing children’s books on the first floor, adjacent to Makan di Tebet. As a result, small children can read books in this area.

Avoid Crowded Hours

Users who want to visit the Baca Di Tebet library can come as needed. However, on Fridays and Saturdays, this library tends to be busy, you know Literacy Friends, because many people usually look for time until the evening.

Therefore, for users who want to read books in this library, avoid Fridays and Saturdays. Meanwhile, Baca Di Tebet also limits users to a maximum of 50 people. This rule was implemented because there was a time when the number of readers increased to more than 60 people, thus disturbing the comfort of fellow readers. 

That’s the discussion about the Reading library in Tebet which is unique and has a homey atmosphere like your own home. It is not surprising that this library has many visitors, because the various facilities are complete and adequate, making visitors feel at home in this place for a long time. Greetings Literacy!

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